So... Floyd and I did our first PSG at West Wilts in September in good company and only went and won the class with +70% and qualifying us for the Winter Regionals!!!! This horse is a total legend! We headed to Vale View High Profile Show at the end of October contesting three PSG‘s on consecutive days. On the first day we scored +70% again giving us 3rd place and one judge having us on +74%!! Floyd continued his form coming 6th on the 2nd day and another +70% on the 3rd day with another 3rd placing. This secured us our senior International Small Tour Qualification.
The beginning of December saw us at Keysoe High Profile Show for two days where again Floyd contested the PSG classes – not quite such high scores but we secured our Young Rider International Qualifying score so …… job done!!
We also learned that we have qualified for the Winter Regionals in not only the PSG but also the Advanced Medium Gold – I hadn’t realised I had competed enough at that level but a real bonus – sadly though if future plans pan out I won’t be in the country for the regionals … this space!
Beginning of January we headed to Addington Manor High Profile Show – a show we have been to often and always seems to bring sub- zero temperatures and snow – this year we were lucky …….just wind and rain! We did however gain a 2nd placing in a huge class of +40 riders with many big names including a certain Charlotte Dujardin who won the class!!!
On returning from Addington we hear we are selected for our first overseas International at Le Mans in February … this space!
Whilst Floyd has been busy the young horses haven’t been idle – Nero has been training well all winter and was due to contest his first Medium and Advanced Medium in February but the weather was against us and due to Storm Ciara the event was cancelled so we have had to reschedule to March but he is amazing and I am so pleased with how he has come on over the winter – just need to get out there and show everyone what he is capable of!!
Olly is fast catching up with Nero even though he was over a year behind him – I am just taking him slowly and building his strength up but he has a green change each way and his trot work is something special – very excited for this little man’s future!!
